Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique

Q: Who is Brain Integration for?

A: Brain Integration is advantageous to a wide range of people, young and old. I’ve worked with people from 3 to 83 years old. I start with 3 or 4-year-olds with speech and balance issues because it is essential to address these issues as soon as possible. I can help older children and adults with speech or balance issues, too, but if possible, we start sooner. Once a person is learning to read, we can complete the full Brain Integration, which is usually around six years old. Don’t wait if your child has trouble learning letters, sounds, or other reading issues. It’s a sign that Brain Integration can help; the sooner, the better.

Q: What is Brain Integration for?

A: Brain Integration helps all kinds of learning disabilities, sensory integration, poor coordination, closed head traumas, and brain injuries. However, the most astonishing results of Brain Integration have been in people with ADHD, ADD, and Dyslexia. A third of the people I work with don’t have a learning disability. But they might have to re-read everything or be slow at getting things done. We can’t help the areas with organic brain damage, but improvements have been seen in the other areas of the brain. Anyone who wishes to improve their brain function can benefit from the program.

Q: What is Brain Integration Technique?

A: Brain Integration is a cutting-edge technique based on principles of Applied Physiology that assesses and corrects learning difficulties in children and adults. Brain Integration relieves stress as it affects aptitude, resilience, and performance.

Brain Integration is non-invasive and is suitable for people of all ages. Most clients report that Brain Integration is a very soothing and relaxing experience!

Brain Integration has been recommended by doctors, therapists, teachers, and other health professionals because it consistently produces improvements measurable by standard psychological and neurological tests.

Q: What does Brain Integration do?

A: The human brain performs extremely complicated electromagnetic functions and, like any other organ, shows symptoms of stress. Under stress, the brain’s blood supply is redirected for “fight” or “flight” in the body, and the logic center or creative center shuts down. With the shutdown, the synchronization of brain function is lost, and we cannot “think” clearly. Then we blame ourselves for not trying harder, or worse, not being intelligent enough, when the real culprit is stress. All too often, we learn to “switch off” when we could be welcoming new experiences.

The Brain Integration treatment can help children and adults to repattern brain activity around such difficulties and use more of their potential.

Q: How long does the treatment take?

A: The basic correction program takes approximately sixteen hours, an estimate based on the median time for treatment. The length of each person’s program varies because of individual needs. Some people with only one or two areas of deficit may take just twelve hours to complete Brain Integration, whereas others with several areas need more time.

We start with an assessment in person or by phone for people that live out of town. To complete the treatment, we schedule three consecutive days.

Q: What happens during the treatment?


We start with an initial assessment that serves as a benchmark against evaluating future change. During this session, we assess the electromagnetic activity in the brain using muscle monitoring. This technique reveals the specific brain areas that need the most attention. At the end of the assessment, we can tell the client the probable length of treatment required in his/her treatment. This session takes ninety minutes. We offer a  modified phone assessment for people living out of town.

Subsequent sessions involve correcting the specific brain areas that showed in the assessment. The correction technique involves very light touch on specific points to re-establish electro-magnetic integrity within the brain. Thus, brain functioning is improved, specifically in learning ability, focus, and physical coordination.

The client may also come in for a 6-8 week post-integration follow-up. This session usually lasts an hour or two. Sometimes we can complete this by phone.

Q:  Is Brain Integration permanent?

A: The only situation that would require a person to be fully re-integrated would be if he sustained an injury to the head. Other than that, once a person has been integrated, they will not need to be integrated again. Sometimes a client will feel like their brain function has gone ‘off-line.’ In this situation, there has usually been an emotional trauma that caused enough stress to block brain function. We call this ‘temporary dis-integration.” In time the brain often corrects itself, but if not, therapy might be needed to address the emotions surrounding the trauma. Then brain function can then come back ‘on-line.’

Q:  What kind of results should I expect with Brain Integration?

A: We consistently improve the learning ability of the individuals we treat. They read with higher comprehension, learn and retain spelling words, understand mathematical concepts, become physically coordinated, and modulate their emotional responses. Often, medications are not needed after treatment in the majority of cases. However, while we give our clients the ability to learn, the amount of improvement is still dependent on them participating in school. If there is organic brain damage, there is still improvement, but it will be limited depending on the location of the damage.

In a nutshell, we enable the brain to learn within any limitations posed by organic brain damage. However, we do not make the brain learn. That takes studying and perseverance on the part of the client!

Q:  How quickly will I see results?

A: Every individual is different. Some people feel different during the treatment, and some do not feel anything until after the integration is entirely complete. The time frame can range from a few days to a few months. We enable the brain to learn. We cannot make the person learn. Therefore, external variables like family and school dynamics can affect when and how the integration takes hold. Often the people around the integrated person notice the changes first!

Q: Where can I get more information about Brain Integration?

A: Susan McCrossin published a book, Breaking the Learning Barrier: Eradicating ADD, ADHD, and Dyslexia, which describes the treatment, her research, and includes many testimonials. The book is available at our office or online.

Order Breaking the Learning Barrier Online

Q: How do I schedule Brain Integration treatment?

A: We start with an assessment. During this assessment, we can discuss your unique challenges and determine how many hours are needed to complete the desired result. You’ll leave with a deeper understanding of our work and what is possible for your future.

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Start With an Assessment

90 Minutes Assessment - Cost $50

We'll assess where you or your child are now during this assessment, which serves as a benchmark to check future change. We employ a method to assess the functioning of different regions in your brain, identifying strengths and areas for potential growth. This provides a clearer picture of your capabilities and areas that could use improvement. Learn about our Drug-Free Treatment and what is possible for your future. This assessment is NOT for prescribing medication, diagnosing, or Individualized Education Plan (IEP).