Struggling with ADHD, ADD, or Dyslexia?
Homework Taking Hours?
Are Grades Low?
Attitude is Getting Worse
Studies show that there’s nothing wrong with the ADHD, ADD, or Dylexic brain, but the brain has low activity in some areas. Strengthening these areas in the brain will improve your life at home, work and school.
We have a treatment to ignite the “sleepy” parts of the brain. Once ignited, the brain’s ability to learn, remember, focus, and handle emotions is “turned on.” This will alleviate the symptoms of ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, and other learning difficulties
The Problem is Not
Motivation or How You’re Learning
The Problem Is
Less Activity in the Brain
The Soultion
We Wake-up the “Sleepy” Parts of the Brain
Three mothers share their stories
Give us a Call Where Here to Help! 561-809-4985
The first step is to sign up for a 90-minute assessment. It’s only $50, and it helps us figure out where you or your child are right now. We check how different parts of your brain are doing, find strengths, and see where there’s room for improvement. This gives us a clear picture of what you can do and where you can grow. It’s not about giving medicine, diagnosing, or planning an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). It’s about exploring drug-free treatments and seeing what awesome things are possible for your future!