Dyslexia for Adults

Dyslexia Treatment for Adults

Improve How Your Brain Functions

At the Learning Improvement Center, we improve how your brain functions. 

Studies show that there’s nothing wrong with the Dyslexic brain.

But the brain has low activity in some areas. The areas with low activity create the difficulties you are having.

We have a treatment to ignite the “sleepy” parts of the brain. Once ignited, the brain’s ability to learn, read, spell, remember, focus, and and handle emotions is “turned on.” Dyslexia Treatment will alleviate the symptoms of Dyslexia and other learning difficulties.

Give us a Call Where Here to Help! 561-809-4985

Dyslexia Treatment

Most dyslexia treatment is designed to help a person learn with the same “low activity in the brain” that created their problem in the first place. It only makes sense to improve how the brain is functioning before trying to learn. One technique that gets to the root of the problem is the Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique (BIT). BIT is an effective treatment for dyslexia because it “ignites” the sleepy parts of the brain. Once ignited, the brain’s ability to read, learn, remember, focus, and handle emotions is “turned on.” This will alleviate the symptoms of Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and other learning difficulties

Learning Will Be More Effective!

You deserve to have the ability to read, spell, learn, and communicate. Brain Integration for adults with Dyslexia is the first step in the process. After Brain Integration, you will discover that processing information is more effective. Learning becomes more natural, and the motivation to learn increases.  Adults get excited about learning for the first time.

I’ve had adults with mild Dyslexia quickly get back on track with their ability to reading and remember. Some people with severe Adult Dyslexia had given up and quit trying to learn. After Brain Integration, the changes they saw gave them a new level of hope, and they began improving. 


Hope and Transformation!

Adult Dyslexia treatment can be highly effective. It is never too late to get the help you need. Half of my clients are adults. You deserve to have the best chance for success possible.

Dyslexia Treatment for Adults is Available

Every child with dyslexia grows up to become an adult with dyslexia. However, many adults didn’t get the treatment they needed as children. Their language skills, both spoken and written, tend to lack fluency. They are creating mistakes, spending too much time reading, or communicating poorly.  They usually hide it well but have underlying low self-esteem or confidence issues.

Adults with dyslexia, who have found different ways of learning to get through school, have also likely developed other strengths. They must teach themselves to process language differently, predominantly in a different part of their brain than most people. Many people with dyslexia are highly creative, hard-working, and capable. They are good at analyzing situations, generating solutions to problems, and strategizing. Often, they have a higher work ethic regarding learning and education as they have spent many years relying on memory and verbal skills rather than reading or writing. However, because they have learned to compensate for their difficulties, they often choose jobs to meet their abilities and not their desires.

It’s Time!

It’s time to improve the most powerful tool in your body, “The Brain.” What has Dyslexia cost you? The cost of treatment is a small price to pay for a lifetime of success and feeling better about yourself. You deserve the best possible future for yourself and your family.

Wes Beach

Certified Crossinology® Brain Integration Practitioner

Give us a Call Where Here to Help! 561-809-4985

Struggling with Any of These Problems?

Letters and Numbers

  • Writing or reading numbers and letters backward
  • Difficulty spelling
  • Words seemed to move or disappear on the paper


  • Reading abilities caused mistakes at work
  • Reading abilities are low
  • Trouble sounding out words
  • Reading is slow and takes extreme effort
  • Re-reads, often 5 or 6 times to understand
  • Hate to read or avoids reading


  • Problems understanding what you’ve heard
  • Writing is slow or unable to complete
  • Difficulties saying what you are thinking
  • Words come up my mouth in a different order than what I was thinking


  • Math is difficult
  • Needs to count on fingers
  • Math is good unless it involves reading


  • Lazy
  • Careless
  • Not working to potential
  • Slow at completing a task
  • Clumsy or uncoordinated
  • Disorganized
  • Always late


  • Poor self-esteem
  • Feels dumb
  • Not smart enough
  • Daydream

The first step is to sign up for a 90-minute assessment. It’s only $50, and it helps us figure out where you or your child are right now. We check how different parts of your brain are doing, find strengths, and see where there’s room for improvement. This gives us a clear picture of what you can do and where you can grow. It’s not about giving medicine, diagnosing, or planning an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). It’s about exploring drug-free treatments and seeing what awesome things are possible for your future!

Call 561-809-4985 

to Schedule an Assessment